Saturday, July 14, 2018

Anticipating the Last Transfer (Live Chat) (5/28)

[from May 28, 2018]
Daniel Christian Stoddard
hey guys... i gonna have to write a super big email today!
last week, the light was out and i couldn`t write... it`s been out all week to be honest
i guess you guys area all probably asleep, but i love you!
Wait! We’re not sleeping!!!
Daniel Christian Stoddard
ok good hahah
i loved the birthday video... it was almost like a second video call haha
we will probably be getting made into a branch before too long!
(in early june)+
Oh, that’s fantastic news!
glad you liked the video.
yeah, and wahoo about the branch.
The littles were so darn cute in the video. They miss you SO much.
Daniel Christian Stoddard
a previously inactive security guard is coming back to church and denis just needs to get the melquezidik priesthood and we`re set!  
denis came in a white shirt and tie on sunday... he looked like a missionary
aw, that is great news!
Daniel Christian Stoddard
yeah i miss the littles a ton too
well, all of you guys
not too much longer
i know! crazy, huh?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
yep, just another week and another change...
how are the chances looking for a transfer?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
i really don`t know
i`d feel good leaving saba now that i know it`s gonna be a branch
president called me the other day, we talked about a lot of stuff, mostly about the area, but one thing he asked is if i would be ok leaving saba and going to another area in my last change... nothing is sure, we`ll have to see what happens
That is so great. I know you’ve been worried about everyone after you left.
You shall soon find out! Next week, right?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
yep next sunday they tell us
Whatever happens, it’ll be the absolute right thing to finish your mission with.
Daniel Christian Stoddard
thats for sure... just gotta wait a little longer
i`m kinda hoping for a new companion to be honest
i haven`t said anything to president, and i don`t like to talk bad about other missionaries, but it`s been kinda tough
yeah? how come?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
you get along with some people better than others,,,, and he is an... interesting guy
oh. i cannot wait to hear what “interesting” means.
Daniel Christian Stoddard
yeah but whatever happens, it`s because heavenly father wants to teach me something
Patience? Tolerance?
thou shalt not kill?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
something like that 
but no, things have been ok.  its not like we`re fighting or anything
chalk another one up to “son cosas”, eh?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
hahaha thats right!
we haven`t had light or water in the house pretty much all week 
son cosas
Maybe you’ll transfer to water!
Daniel Christian Stoddard
i had to give a talk on sunday, but the other speaker didn`t show up.  i gave a 30-35 minute talk haha
maybe to roatan 
no just kidding... thats too much to ask
how did you guy`s talks go?
That is everyone’s dream spot!
like always. mom gave an amazing talk and is convinced it was not great.
Talks were repeats. Or as Dad told the entire congregation, “recycled”. They gave us no topic, so we just used ones we already gave! Poor Dad, though we were the only speakers so I thought mine was long enough, but I left him with 30 minutes to fill!!!
How was your talk? What did you speak about?
Daniel Christian Stoddard
spiritual well being
it`s not a topic i wouldve chosen, but it turned out well
who chose? the obispo? [bishop]
Oh, that sounds interesting. I wish I could have heard it. I wouldn’t have understood anything, but you know...
Daniel Christian Stoddard
yeah the bishop
assigned me on the spot
i love suprises
30 minutes ... on that topic ... no time to prepare? priceless.
Daniel Christian Stoddard
saba has taught me a lot
but i am so glad i didnt start the mission here
i would say so!
Oh, Grandma and grandpa want to try and meet you during your layover in Houston. ðŸ˜Š
Daniel Christian Stoddard
oh yeah, they sent me an email to say so!  that will be so cool if they can!
Yeah, I think they’re going to try to fly in and catch you. Very sweet.

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